Eurotherm coating systems: surprising versatility
Business is a dynamic world: perhaps, it is the dynamic world par excellence.
But if in the previous century – a moment in time that seems long gone - companies could carry on for decades by producing a very limited catalog of products, today it has become clear as day that flexibility, elasticity and adaptability are crucial features every company must come to terms with, sooner or later.

Low energy coating systems
We began writing this article a few weeks ago, when the high cost of energy - more than just a spectre hovering over our country - had definitively crystalized not only in the lives of private individuals, but also - and above all - in the national production industry.
The situation seemed complex even then. Now, in light of the recent international events, we find ourselves forced to resume our thinking.

Eurotherm’s 2021: the challenge of the second “difficult year”
2021 was a difficult year for everyone, and during the challenge Eurotherm chose to focus on innovation.
As much as words risk turning into clichés, it is impossible to even think about an account of the past year without calling Covid-19 into question.
Per quanto i discorsi rischino di trasformarsi in banalità, risulta impossibile anche solo pensare ad un resoconto dell’anno appena trascorso senza chiamare in causa il Covid-19.

Eurotherm’s new bending system with Schröder machine
There are revolutionary innovations that require radical changes and reorganizations. And there are innovations that are only seemingly collateral, yet allow companies to grow in a way that is sometimes unexpected.

IPCM Magazine published an article about our curing oven installed in Germany
IPCM, International Paint&Coating Magazine, published…

Designing a 4-stage washing tunnel in 3D
Development and three-dimensional design in SolidWorks of…

We create great solutions for your great projects
Like this 18-meter long cabin, for shot blasting storage…

Also IPCM published an article on the ZÜRN powder coating plant
IPCM, International Paint&Coating Magazine, a specialized…