Automatic powder painting for the automotive industry
We have recently made an automatic powder coating plant for Bawer, a leading company all over the world in the production of steel components and accessories for the automotive, medical and museum market.

Eurotherm @ Expo-Surface 2022
For companies, trade fairs are an unmissable opportunity not only to make their products known, but also to network with colleagues, professionals and customers. It is the world of handshakes and face-to-face confrontation, two powerful tools with which to establish useful and lasting professional relationships.

Low energy coating systems
We began writing this article a few weeks ago, when the high cost of energy - more than just a spectre hovering over our country - had definitively crystalized not only in the lives of private individuals, but also - and above all - in the national production industry.
The situation seemed complex even then. Now, in light of the recent international events, we find ourselves forced to resume our thinking.